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Are You Ready To Join Lanzarote's Accessible Rental Market?

The rental market in Lanzarote is teeming with locals and expatriates alike. But the market is changing to become more inclusive. Lanzarote has been proactively working to increase accessibility tourism beginning with the consolidation of Spain's previous accessibility laws in 2011. As a result, many destinations and rental properties throughout Lanzarote are now wheelchair accessible. As a buyer preparing to enter the rental market, this is good news all around. So regardless of of the property you are buying, be it a furnished studio or freestanding villa, accessibility considerations benefit everyone.

Choosing The Right Spot

All buyers have heard it before, "location, location, location". Lanzarote is alive with history, monuments and restaurants so there are plenty of options as you look for your investment property. In terms of accessibility, Lanzarote has plenty to offer. Costa Teguise has recently been awarded an accessible beach award, whilst six restaurants have also been recognized for being inclusive in El Golfo.

As a buyer, it's essential to do your research and look for a location that shows potential in terms of upcoming developments. Areas with wide promenade walkways with built-in bike pathways are both charming and relaxing to guests and they also offer the convenience of accessibility for those who use mobility aids. After you've chosen the ideal area, you'll be able to begin your search for a beautiful rental property with the amenities that are inclusive for all.

What are accessibility considerations? 

When accessibility is being discussed the conversation often centers around access for people with mobility requirements, due to wheelchairs usually being the largest device to accommodate.  It is obviously important for a person renting a home to be able to use the entire home. But what does that entail?

A wheelchair needs to be able to rotate 360 degrees in every room in the house. Wheelchairs need to be able to allow access to (smarthomes should not be overlooked), counters, switches, appliances and faucets. They also need to be able to comfortably fit (no tight squeezes) through all doors and hallways.

Ensuring The Building Adheres To Guidelines

Accessibility guidelines are now addressed by government officials and professionals and found in the building codes for that region, This is the definitive guide for accessibility requirements and the code all of your building and property inspections will be based on.

It is hard to imagine a niche which is more of a win-win situation than investing in an accessible rental property. As a landlord, you increase your profit potential, you encourage the benefits of tourism in your area and bolster your entire community. With 131 million people using wheelchairs worldwide, you are definitely filling a need. The biggest payoff of all is the human factor, you are providing homes for people in a beautiful area with life enriching activities.